Company Overview
Long Term Focus
Corporate/Finance Office
500 West
Putnam Ave.
Suite 400
Greenwich, CT 06830
Mid-Continent Office
6 NE 63rd Street
Suite 440
City, Ok 73105

Company Overview

Energy was founded in 2001 to focus on the acquisition,
development, and production of oil and natural gas reserves in the
Mid-Continent area of the U.S. During its early years, Millbrae became a
leading proponent of using advanced dewatering technologies to produce
oil and gas. Since 2007, Millbrae has expanded its focus in the
Mid-Continent to include other conventional and unconventional oil and
gas projects. Recently, that focus has been expanded to include the
Permian Basin and, to a lesser extent, a few other key basins in the
Central U.S. We look for projects with a mix of proved production along
with ample development potential, generally at shallow to moderate
depths, and seek to partner with successful industry participants and
operators, as we have done many times in the past. We have assembled a
talented team of professionals with decades of industry experience. By
embracing a long-term investment perspective, combined with our highly
capable technical team and a strong capital position, we believe we can
add significant value to our development projects.